Multiple tube generation experiment processing

element_number=40, length_mean=40, radius_mean=5, measurement_resolution=20 element_number=40, length_mean=40, radius_mean=5, measurement_resolution=10

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
from pprint import pprint as pp
import scipy.stats
import seaborn as sns

In [3]:
datapath = "~/teigen_data/output_rows.csv"

In [4]:
plotkw ={
    "figsize": [9, 6], 
    "fontsize": 14, 
plot_title_size = 40
plot_linewidth = 3

plot_boxprops = {
    "linewidth": plot_linewidth
boxplotkw = {
    "figsize": [9, 6], 
    "fontsize": 14, 
    "boxprops": plot_boxprops,
    "medianprops": plot_boxprops,
    "whiskerprops": plot_boxprops,
    "capprops": plot_boxprops,

In [5]:
available_radius_methods = [
    "inscribed", "circumscribed", 
    "cylinder volume", 
    "cylinder volume + sphere error",
    "cylinder volume + sphere error + man",
    "cylinder volume + sphere error + join error",
    "cylinder surface", 
    "cylinder surface + sphere error",
    "cylinder surface + sphere error + join error",
    "cylinder surface + sphere error + join error man",

In [6]:
%run evaltools.ipynb

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [7]:
df = pd.read_csv(op.expanduser(datapath))

# df

Index([u'config appearance force_rewrite', u'config appearance noise_preview',
       u'config appearance show_aposteriori_surface',
       u'config appearance skip_volume_generation',
       u'config appearance surface_3d_preview',
       u'config areasampling areasize_mm', u'config areasampling areasize_px',
       u'config areasampling voxelsize_mm', u'config filepattern',
       u'config filepattern_abspath', u'config filepattern_series_number',
       u'config generator_id',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes element_number',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes radius_distribution_fixed',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes radius_distribution_maximum',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes radius_distribution_mean',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes radius_distribution_minimum',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes radius_distribution_normal',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes radius_distribution_standard_deviation',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes radius_distribution_uniform',
       u'config generators Continuous tubes random_generator_seed',
       u'config generators Gensei n_objects',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes allow_overlap',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes element_number',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes last_element_can_be_smaller',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes length_distribution_mean',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes length_distribution_standard_deviation',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes maximum_1000_iteration_number',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes orientation_alpha_rad',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes orientation_anisotropic',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes orientation_beta_rad',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes orientation_variance_rad',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_fixed',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_maximum',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_mean',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_minimum',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_normal',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_standard_deviation',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_uniform',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes random_generator_seed',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes tube_shape',
       u'config generators Unconnected tubes volume_fraction',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes element_number',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes radius_distribution_fixed',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes radius_distribution_maximum',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes radius_distribution_mean',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes radius_distribution_minimum',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes radius_distribution_normal',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes radius_distribution_standard_deviation',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes radius_distribution_uniform',
       u'config generators Voronoi tubes random_generator_seed',
       u'config measurement polygon_radius_selection_method',
       u'config measurement tube_shape',
       u'config output aposteriori_measurement',
       u'config output aposteriori_measurement_multiplier',
       u'config output note', u'config output one_row_filename',
       u'config output run_label', u'config postprocessing add_noise',
       u'config postprocessing background_intensity',
       u'config postprocessing gaussian_blur',
       u'config postprocessing gaussian_filter_sigma_mm',
       u'config postprocessing intensity_profile_intensity',
       u'config postprocessing intensity_profile_radius',
       u'config postprocessing limit_negative_intensities',
       u'config postprocessing measurement_resolution',
       u'config postprocessing negative',
       u'config postprocessing noise_exponent',
       u'config postprocessing noise_lambda0',
       u'config postprocessing noise_lambda1',
       u'config postprocessing noise_mean',
       u'config postprocessing noise_rng_seed',
       u'config postprocessing noise_std',
       u'config postprocessing output_dtype',
       u'config required_teigen_version', u'measurement area volume [mm^3]',
       u'measurement count []', u'measurement length [mm]',
       u'measurement length d. [mm^-2]', u'measurement numeric surface [mm^2]',
       u'measurement numeric volume [mm^3]', u'measurement surface [mm^2]',
       u'measurement surface d. [mm^-1]', u'measurement volume [mm^3]',
       u'measurement volume d. []', u'processing_info datetime',
       u'processing_info step1_finished',
       u'processing_info step1_generate_time_s',
       u'processing_info step1_generate_vtk_time_s',
       u'processing_info step1_init_datetime',
       u'processing_info step1_total_time_s',
       u'processing_info step2_finish_datetime',
       u'processing_info step2_finished',
       u'processing_info step2_generate_volume_time_s',
       u'processing_info step2_init_datetime',
       u'processing_info step2_numeric_measurement_time_s',
       u'processing_info step2_save_volume_time_s',
       u'processing_info step2_total_time_s'],

In [8]:

In [9]:
# pd.to_datetime(df[step2_datetime_key]) > pd.to_datetime("2017-07-05")

In [10]:
df =read_data(datapath)

In [11]:
# df = pd.read_csv(op.expanduser(datapath))
# df["surface error [mm^2]"] = df["numeric surface [mm^2]"] - df["surface [mm^2]"]
# df["surface error [%]"] = df["surface error [mm^2]"] / df["surface [mm^2]"] * 100
# df["volume error [mm^3]"] = df["numeric volume [mm^3]"] - df["volume [mm^3]"]
# df["volume error [%]"] = df["volume error [mm^3]"] / df["volume [mm^3]"] * 100
# df["measurement_resolution"] = df["postprocessing measurement_resolution"]
# df["length_distribution_mean"] = df["generators Unconnected tubes length_distribution_mean"]

Numeric measurement precision (element_numer = 20, length_mean = 15)

In [12]:
dfs = df[
    df[note_key] == "resolution sphere"
    # df["generators Unconnected cylinders radius_distribution_mean"] == 5 
dfsp = dfs[["surface error [%]", "volume error [%]", "measurement_resolution"]].sort_values(
if len(dfsp) > 0:
    dfsp.plot(x="measurement_resolution", **plotkw)

surface error [%] volume error [%] measurement_resolution

In [13]:
#sns.factorplot("measurement_resolution", "surface error [%]", data=dfs)#.set(ylim=(0, 1))

In [14]:
sns.lmplot("measurement_resolution", "surface error [%]", data=dfs)#.set(ylim=(0, 1))

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f6ac99d3ed0>

In [15]:
dfs = df[
    df[note_key] == "resolution tube"
    # df["generators Unconnected cylinders radius_distribution_mean"] == 5 
dfsp = dfs[["surface error [%]", "volume error [%]", "measurement_resolution"]].sort_values(
if len(dfsp) > 0:
    dfsp.plot( x="measurement_resolution", **plotkw)
# dfsp

In [16]:
# df = pd.read_csv(op.expanduser(datapath))
# df["surface error [mm^2]"] = np.abs(df["numeric surface [mm^2]"] - df["surface [mm^2]"])
# df["surface error [%]"] = df["surface error [mm^2]"] / df["surface [mm^2]"] * 100
# df["volume error [mm^3]"] = np.abs(df["numeric volume [mm^3]"] - df["volume [mm^3]"])
# df["volume error [%]"] = df["volume error [mm^3]"] / df["volume [mm^3]"] * 100
# df["measurement_resolution"] = df["postprocessing measurement_resolution"]
dfs = df[
    df[note_key] == "tube length"
    # df["generators Unconnected cylinders radius_distribution_mean"] == 5 
dfsp = dfs[["surface error [%]", "volume error [%]", "length_distribution_mean"]].sort_values(
if len(dfsp) > 0:
    dfsp.plot( x="measurement_resolution", **plotkw)

In [17]:
import seaborn as sns

In [18]:


In [19]:


In [20]:
## element_number = 10, 

array(['compensation method 5 tubes cylinder surface + sphere error',
       'compensation method 5 tubes cylinder surface + sphere error + join error',
       'compensation method 5 tubes cylinder volume + sphere error',
       'element number cylinder volume + sphere error',
       'element number inscribed',
       'generated volume element_number anisotropic inscribed',
       'generated volume isotropy inscribed',
       'generated volume length inscribed',
       'generated volume noise inscribed',
       'generated volume radius inscribed',
       'generated volume resolution_mm inscribed',
       'mix 2 cylinder surface + sphere error',
       'mix 2 cylinder surface + sphere error + join error',
       'mix 2 cylinder volume + sphere error',
       'mix 2 cylinder volume + sphere error + join error'], dtype=object)

In [21]:


Compensation methods

1 sphere

In [22]:
evaluate_based_on_note(df, "compensation method 1 sphere ")

In [23]:
evaluate_based_on_note(df, "compensation method 1 sphere " )
# for radius_method in ["inscribed", "circumscribed", "cylinder surface", "cylinder volume", "average", "cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
#     dfs = df[
#         df[note_key] == "compensation method 1 sphere " + radius_method
#         # df["generators Unconnected cylinders radius_distribution_mean"] == 5 
#     ]
    #print dfs.keys()
    #display(dfs[["surface [mm^2]", "numeric surface [mm^2]"]])
#     show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method, plotkw=plotkw)

1 tube

In [24]:
for radius_method in available_radius_methods:
    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] == "compensation method 1 tube " + radius_method
        # df["generators Unconnected cylinders radius_distribution_mean"] == 5 
    show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method)
    # dfplot(dfs, plotkw, radius_method)

N tubes

In [25]:
for radius_method in available_radius_methods:
    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] == "compensation method N tube " + radius_method
        # df["generators Unconnected cylinders radius_distribution_mean"] == 5 
    dfsp = show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method)

5 tubes

In [26]:
# for radius_method in ["cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
for radius_method in available_radius_methods:
    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] ==  "compensation method 5 tubes " + radius_method
    dfsp = show_error(dfs)

/home/mjirik/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  c /= stddev[:, None]
/home/mjirik/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  return (self.a < x) & (x < self.b)
/home/mjirik/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
  return (self.a < x) & (x < self.b)
/home/mjirik/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  cond2 = cond0 & (x <= self.a)
 18 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 

/home/mjirik/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: Invalid value encountered in percentile
 18 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 

 18 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 

In [27]:
for radius_method in ["inscribed", "circumscribed", "cylinder surface", 
                      "cylinder volume", "average", "cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] == "compensation method " + radius_method
        # df["generators Unconnected cylinders radius_distribution_mean"] == 5 
    show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method)
#     dfplot(dfs, plotkw, radius_method)


In [28]:
# for radius_method in ["cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
for radius_method in available_radius_methods:
    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] ==  "mix " + radius_method
    dfsp = show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method)

In [29]:
evaluate_based_on_note(df, "mix 2 ")

cylinder volume + sphere error 168 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=943.0, pvalue=1.8769245772953387e-22) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99842313247447434, pvalue=1.4654456827305898e-209) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=2.5427106966906604e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99672967172999538, pvalue=2.6928928196727463e-183) 

cylinder volume + sphere error + join error 166 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=856.0, pvalue=1.1874609290155533e-22) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99845014323929504, pvalue=1.1357474490936977e-207) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=5.4144808742921285e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.9969365297532623, pvalue=1.9704372674725275e-183) 

cylinder surface + sphere error 170 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=3353.0, pvalue=1.1221736136346078e-09) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.97031943709905755, pvalue=1.6994288086116391e-105) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=3240.0, pvalue=3.6850822999267457e-10) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99594343045421474, pvalue=1.2251367856663228e-177) 

cylinder surface + sphere error + join error 166 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=5.4144808742921285e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99810129834812122, pvalue=1.9000210118664034e-200) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=5.4144808742921285e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99690037819050636, pvalue=5.1490468939005413e-183) 

In [30]:
# for radius_method in ["cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
for radius_method in available_radius_methods:
    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] ==  "mix 2 " + radius_method
    dfsp = show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method, plotkw=plotkw)

cylinder volume + sphere error 168 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=943.0, pvalue=1.8769245772953387e-22) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99842313247447434, pvalue=1.4654456827305898e-209) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=2.5427106966906604e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99672967172999538, pvalue=2.6928928196727463e-183) 

cylinder volume + sphere error + join error 166 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=856.0, pvalue=1.1874609290155533e-22) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99845014323929504, pvalue=1.1357474490936977e-207) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=5.4144808742921285e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.9969365297532623, pvalue=1.9704372674725275e-183) 

cylinder surface + sphere error 170 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=3353.0, pvalue=1.1221736136346078e-09) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.97031943709905755, pvalue=1.6994288086116391e-105) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=3240.0, pvalue=3.6850822999267457e-10) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99594343045421474, pvalue=1.2251367856663228e-177) 

cylinder surface + sphere error + join error 166 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=5.4144808742921285e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99810129834812122, pvalue=1.9000210118664034e-200) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=5.4144808742921285e-29) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.99690037819050636, pvalue=5.1490468939005413e-183) 

Radius estimation

In [31]:
dfs[["volume [mm^3]"]]

volume [mm^3]

In [32]:
### Kontrolní výpočet objemu

In [33]:
v_sphere = (4.0/3.0) * np.pi * 20.0**3


In [34]:
v_cylinder = np.pi*20.0**2 * 2.6696777


In [35]:
v_cylinder + v_sphere


Numeric and analytic error

measurement_resolution = 25

In [36]:
# df = pd.read_csv(op.expanduser(datapath))
# df["surface error [mm^2]"] = df["numeric surface [mm^2]"] - df["surface [mm^2]"]
# df["surface error [%]"] = df["surface error [mm^2]"] / df["surface [mm^2]"] * 100
# df["volume error [mm^3]"] = df["numeric volume [mm^3]"] - df["volume [mm^3]"]
# df["volume error [%]"] = df["volume error [mm^3]"] / df["volume [mm^3]"] * 100
# df["measurement_resolution"] = df["postprocessing measurement_resolution"]
# df["element_number"] = df["generators Unconnected tubes element_number"]
# df["length_distribution_mean"] = df["generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_mean"]
# df["radius_distribution_mean"] = df["generators Unconnected tubes length_distribution_mean"]
dfs = df[
    df[note_key] == "compensation method 5 tubes " + "best"
dfsp = dfs[["volume [mm^3]", "numeric volume [mm^3]", "surface [mm^2]", "numeric surface [mm^2]", "surface error [%]", "volume error [%]"]]

volume [mm^3] numeric volume [mm^3] surface [mm^2] numeric surface [mm^2] surface error [%] volume error [%]

In [37]:
if len(dfsp) > 0:
    axp = dfsp[["surface [mm^2]", "numeric surface [mm^2]"]].plot(kind="box", **plotkw)

In [ ]:

In [38]:
if len(dfsp) > 0:
    axp = dfsp[["volume [mm^3]", "numeric volume [mm^3]"]].plot(kind="box", **plotkw)

In [39]:
if len(dfsp) > 0:
    axp = dfsp[["surface error [%]", "volume error [%]"]].plot(kind="box", **plotkw)

In [ ]:

In [40]:
# for radius_method in ["cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
for radius_method in available_radius_methods:
# ["cylinder surface", "cylinder volume", "cylinder volume + sphere compensation", "best"]:

    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] == "compensation method 5 tubes " + radius_method
    show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method)
#     dfplot(dfs, plotkw, radius_method

cylinder volume + sphere error 18 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 

cylinder surface + sphere error 18 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 

cylinder surface + sphere error + join error 18 :
volume (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 
surface (w/s): 
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=0.00019643672621231134) 
SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan) 

In [41]:
nsu = dfsp["numeric surface [mm^2]"]
su = dfsp["surface [mm^2]"]
nsux = np.ones([len(nsu)])
sux = np.zeros([len(su)])
y = np.concatenate([nsu, su])
x = np.concatenate([nsux,sux])
#plot(, np.concatenate([nsux,sux]))
plt.plot(x, y)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6ac7431210>]

In [42]:


In [43]:


In [44]:

volume [mm^3] numeric volume [mm^3] surface [mm^2] numeric surface [mm^2] surface error [%] volume error [%]
count 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
mean NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
std NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
min NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
25% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
50% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
75% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
max NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN


In [45]:
# for radius_method in ["cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
for radius_method in [
    # "circumscribed", "cylinder surface", "cylinder volume",
    "cylinder volume + sphere compensation", 

    dfs = df[
        df[note_key] == "fixed resolution " + radius_method
    dfsp = dfs[["surface error [%]", "volume error [%]", "measurement_resolution"]].sort_values(
    dfplot(dfs, plotkw, radius_method)

In [46]:

config appearance force_rewrite config appearance noise_preview config appearance show_aposteriori_surface config appearance skip_volume_generation config appearance surface_3d_preview config areasampling areasize_mm config areasampling areasize_px config areasampling voxelsize_mm config filepattern config filepattern_abspath ... numeric surface [mm^2] surface error [mm^2] surface error [%] volume error [mm^3] volume error [%] measurement_resolution length_distribution_mean radius_distribution_mean element_number element number

0 rows × 111 columns


In [47]:
# wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší
scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["surface [mm^2]"], y=dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"], correction=False, zero_method="pratt")

/home/mjirik/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ UserWarning: Warning: sample size too small for normal approximation.
  warnings.warn("Warning: sample size too small for normal approximation.")
/home/mjirik/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  z = (T - mn - correction) / se
WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=nan)

In [48]:
scipy.stats.wilcoxon(dfs["surface error [%]"], correction=False, zero_method="pratt")

WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=nan)

In [49]:
# spearman čím menší, tím lepší
scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["surface [mm^2]"], dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"])

SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan)


In [50]:
# wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší
scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["volume [mm^3]"], y=dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"], correction=False, zero_method="pratt")

WilcoxonResult(statistic=0.0, pvalue=nan)

In [51]:
# spearman čím menší, tím lepší
scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["volume [mm^3]"], dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"])

SpearmanrResult(correlation=nan, pvalue=nan)

Inscribed to circum

In [52]:
resolution = 6
radius = 10

alpha = (2*np.pi) / (resolution)
radius_out = radius / np.cos(alpha/2)



In [53]:


In [54]:
np.concatenate([np.random.rand(10,10) * 120, np.ones([10,10])*99])

array([[ 113.33965722,  112.81718893,   18.6717379 ,   98.05372967,
           6.67020821,   42.65087098,   85.93111118,   89.46955705,
          99.36927713,  112.24092128],
       [ 101.59641697,    3.71139324,   58.72137316,   94.57751986,
          77.87024583,   46.18229303,  114.4954678 ,   16.02029157,
          55.09009016,   69.59492387],
       [ 113.04614116,    4.4234764 ,    5.62322076,  113.44358413,
          97.40752526,   43.15697602,  115.96175157,   91.00344387,
         102.24638245,   34.89891707],
       [  45.19760271,  108.76813574,    9.13253714,   45.66078259,
         105.15887286,   12.27941889,   41.99228847,   50.80193714,
          71.93438165,   68.91665489],
       [  27.62870517,   86.58764804,   39.741375  ,   65.61480957,
          10.62088423,  116.9475271 ,   62.13865674,  119.50470308,
         105.80762453,    6.49659737],
       [  99.88887098,   29.12948405,   29.39645793,   85.93367831,
         104.39172643,    7.51913372,   57.47221163,   40.45489533,
          35.43352096,   78.79405152],
       [  89.54531394,   14.71427353,   92.27507316,   84.72518905,
          96.90370451,  103.57009204,   52.61248399,   60.76013452,
          55.50454553,    5.91472362],
       [ 106.28360815,   99.8203247 ,   87.68708028,   70.3999404 ,
          88.44160587,   11.16076497,   30.70680368,   53.07188049,
         108.98175541,   70.54985209],
       [  28.08930279,   36.58974645,    6.84083176,   15.16252324,
          60.68316418,    9.05673742,   31.41973187,  106.8975219 ,
          31.17749518,  110.90128911],
       [  80.43153638,   34.89202327,   50.38026826,   77.06436889,
          70.60836902,    1.76053646,   85.33015344,   76.98245903,
         115.50296344,   70.24572198],
       [  99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,
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       [  99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,
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       [  99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,
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       [  99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,
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       [  99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,   99.        ,
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